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The planned symposia within the framework of the 4th International Medical Congress of Armenian doctors

The planned symposia within the framework of the 4th International Medical Congress of Armenian doctors

From the 2nd - 4th of July in Yerevan will host the 4th International Medical Congress of Armenian doctors (4IMCA) "Together for healthy nation." The conference will implement a number of satellite symposia in which participation is free. The purpose of these symposia is to create opportunities for doctors living in Armenia to enhance their knowledge in the process of sharing experiences with invited experts.

During the meeting, organized to coordinate satellite symposia, Med-Practic talked with the organizers.


Smbat Dagbashyan, President of the Armenian Hematology AssociationSmbat Dagbashyan, President of the Armenian Hematology Association:

–  On July 1, Armenian Hematology Association is planning to organize the first pan-Armenian hematology symposium on "Ways of industrial development: preconditions transplantation and intensive chemotherapy in Armenia." The purpose of the symposium - an attempt to combine the potential of hematologists in Armenia and Diaspora for the establishment on the basis of hematology center that unique in the region of Transplant Center. The center will contribute to the improvement of the quality of hematology services in Armenia. The invited professionals from the United States, Russia, France will .present their speech. 


Tamara Sargsyan, Director of Center of Medical Genetics and Primary Health CareTamara Sargsyan, Director of Center of Medical Genetics and Primary Health Care:

–   The symposium, which will take place on July 1st at the Center for Medical Genetics and Primary Health Care will be devoted to the sphere of medical genetics. We have invited well-known professionals working in different countries, such as France, Denmark, United States to be present at the symposium. I think that doctors living in Armenia will receive unique knowledge. We have tried to embrace the different areas that are relatively new to Armenia, such as, molecular diagnostics, the use of stem cells. I would mention that the invited expert from the French university is the most famous dermatologist and specialist in the diagnosis. A total of 8 reports will be presented.


Hmayak Sisakyan, Head of the Department of Emergency Cardiology of Yerevan State Medical UniversityHmayak Sisakyan, Head of the Department of Emergency Cardiology of Yerevan State Medical University:

–   Symposium dedicated to cardiology will be held on 4th of July. It will be attended by approximately 100 doctors. 8 reports will be read, 4 of which will be made by the invited experts from the US, Poland, Greece and Macedonia. Topics for discussion will be the ischemic disease, interventional treatment of myocardial infarction, heart failure.


Varda Babalya, President of Armenian Association of OsteoporosisVarda Babalya, President of Armenian Association of Osteoporosis:

–   The symposium, called "Food: various aspects of the treatment of Osteoporosis" will take place on July, 1st. It will mainly discuss the nutritional problems of different age groups, the rules of healthy eating, food that is rich enough with calcium, consequently contributing to the strengthening of bones. We do expect an active engagement and presence of large audience, as the topic being presented is actual and urgent. The symposium will be held jointly by the Armenian Association of Osteoporosis and Dr. John Bilezikyan.

Biayna Sukhudyan, Head of Neurological Department of the Arabkir Joint Medical CenterBiayna Sukhudyan, Head of Neurological Department of the Arabkir Joint Medical Center:

–   From 3rd to 4th of July will be held neurological symposium dedicated to the memory of Professor V.Darbinyan. There will be invited 8 specialists, 5 of them are our compatriots from the US, Canada, Austria. In various hospitals will be read lectures and practical trainings. The main topics will be: acute circulatory disorders of the brain, sleep disorders, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis. We expect presence of 100-150 participants from different regions of Armenia.

Mariam Movsisyan, President of the Student Scientific Society of Yerevan State University:Mariam Movsisyan, President of the Student Scientific Society of Yerevan State University:

–   On July 1st, with joint efforts of students living in Russia and Armenia, there will be held student symposium in the university. The main topics of the student symposium will include the current problems of civilization and diseases of the 21st century. We do not plan topic limitations so that it will interest the larger audience. There will be two spokespersons, Ara Nazaryan from Harvard University and Raffi Avetyan from Cleveland Clinic.


The planned symposia within the framework of the 4th International Medical Congress of Armenian doctors

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